Lotus Asana Benefits – Lotus or Padma has been used as an important symbol of religion in our country since ancient times. Even after centuries, lotus is considered a symbol of renunciation, rebirth, beauty, purity, spirituality, nirvana, wealth and cosmic renewal.
If we talk about Hindu symbols, then the goddess of wealth Lakshmi is seen sitting on a lotus. If we talk about Buddhism, it is said that wherever Mahatma Buddha used to set foot, a lotus used to sprout there.
The word Padmasana is made up of two different words, in which the first word is Padma, which means lotus. , While the second word is Asana, which means sitting. In Padmasana, the yogi sits in such a position as a lotus flower.
That is why in this article, apart from what is Padmasana, I will give you information about the benefits of Padmasana, the right way to do Padmasana, method and precautions.
What is Padmasana?
Padmasana is an ancient yoga posture that is done while sitting. This posture is very important for meditation and physical health. Its name is made by combining “Padma” and “Asana”. Where Padma means lotus. While doing this asana, the posture of the person becomes like a lotus flower. Because in this, the feet are seated in such a way that it looks like lotus petals. That is why this posture is called Padmasana.
Doing Padmasana improves physical and mental health. It increases peace, mental stability, and mental happiness. Apart from this, doing Padmasana strengthens the muscles of the legs, knees, and back. This yoga asana helps in removing almost every physical problem of the paticular.
While doing Padmasana, your ability to concentrate and increase with time, so it should be done carefully in the beginning. If you are having trouble doing it due to any disease or injury, then it can be beneficial to consult a doctor.
Lotus Asana Benefits (Lotus Pose Benefits) – Lotus Pose Padmasana Benefits
Physical Strength: Padmasana strengthens the muscles of the body and provides physical strength. It provides stability to the muscles of the legs, knees, and back, which helps in facing physical difficulties.
Mental Peace: Sitting in Padmasana provides mental peace and solace. It reduces mental stress and gives peace to the mind.
Promotes Self-Esteem: It promotes a sense of self-confidence and promotes mental clarity, which leads to success in all tasks.
Treatment of Head Diseases: Padmasana is also beneficial in the treatment of head diseases such as migraine and headache.
Self-control: It promotes self-control and helps a person to control his willpower. You also get spiritual benefits from this.
Ease menstruation and childbirth: Practising Padmasana helps reduce cramping, bloating, fatigue, etc. during menstruation, making it less painful. This asana strengthens the core, back and opens the hips – all of which are beneficial in reducing the unbearable pain experienced during menstruation.
Body balance: Practising this asana maintains the balance of the body and helps in looking fit and beautiful through yoga.
Healing the Muladhara Chakra: The Muladhara Chakra is located below the waist and it holds within itself the feelings of fear, isolation, how we view our body image, and physical health. When it is imbalanced, its effect leads to problems like depression, constipation, and stomach pain, etc. Therefore, when Padmasana is performed, the Muladhara Chakra is activated and balanced and proves beneficial in reducing our pain.
How to do Padmasana —
1) Sit straight on the yoga mat. Keep the spine straight and legs spread.
2) Slowly bend the right knee and place it on the left thigh. The heel should touch the lower part of the stomach.
3) Do the same with the other leg and bring it to the stomach.
4) After crossing both the legs, keep your hands in the desired posture.
5) Keep the head and spine straight.
6) Keep taking long and deep breaths.
7) Slowly move the head downwards. Try to touch the chin to the throat.
8) Later practice this asana by keeping the other leg up.
Things to keep in mind before doing Padmasana —
Padmasana should be practiced in the morning only. But if you are doing this asana in the evening, then you should have eaten food at least 4 to 6 hours before.
It is also important to ensure that you have defecated before doing the asana and the stomach is completely empty.
What precautions should be taken while doing Padmasana —
If there is an injury in the knee or ankle, do not practice Padmasana.
In the beginning, practice Padmasana under the supervision of a good teacher or yoga guru. This asana looks very easy but it is not.